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Quality and safety for both the operator and the environment

While developing the SurfaceCleaner-100 our primary focus was on engineering a device offering performance, quality and safety for both the environment and the operator.

Specific attention was given to creating a long lasting, and environmentally-friendly product for cleaning and disinfection including generating benefits for many different applications.

Using the SurfaceCleaner-100 means the dangerous mixing of chemicals, carrying and storing big, heavy containers are no longer necessary while, at the same time, operators are shielded and protected.

By selecting the SurfaceCleaner-100 you are making an environmentally-friendly and safe investment that will quickly pay for itself. The on-demand production of highly-efficient SC-water for cleaning and disinfection is more beneficial, safer, and more efficient than the use of any comparable product sold in containers.


If you care about quality, the environment, work safety and the economic benefits, the SurfaceCleaner-100 simply offers the best solution in these sectors.


Disinfection solution < 1 €/Liter

SurfaceCleaner-100 - Produktbestellung

For questions related to the technology of the SurfaceCleaner-100 or for further information on application options, practical tests or to place an order, do not hesitate to contact our managing director, Dr. Wolfgang Staber.

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I am looking forward to hearing from you!

You can reach me at +43 3842 81516 16, or or by using the contact form below:

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Thank you for your message!





Service and maintenance included

Warranty up to 700.000 L 

Annual cancellation possible

Fixed monthly fee: € 249,-


Warranty of 2 years

Introductory price: € 5.990,-

(Special offer valid until
31 December 2021)

Cleanliness AND disinfection on all surfaces
SurfaceCleaner Oberflächendesinfektion
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